Code of Ethics

The Doula Association of Ireland understands that one of the most basic and important needs of the birthing woman/person is to feel safe and secure, and to have trust and confidence in the people around them at this special, delicate time such as the welcoming of a new baby. The Association also strives to promote a respectful, positive working relationship with the midwifery and medical communities.

Each member of the Doula Association of Ireland has therefore signed a written commitment to adhering to the following Code of Ethics which states the basic responsibilities of our members in their working practice.

All members of the Doula Association of Ireland:

  • Are accountable for their own practice in whatever environment they choose to work. However, in all circumstances the safety and welfare of the birthing mother/new parent, baby, and the doula, must be of primary importance.

  • Offer emotional, informational, practical, and physical support, assisting clients in exploring their available options and making decisions without ever offering medical advice.

  • Do not speak on behalf of clients, but may encourage client to self-advocate where needed, working to enhance their communication with medical staff. It is the philosophy of the DAI that informed decision-making is key to lasting satisfaction and a positive birthing experience.

  • Work to provide the highest level of care and support to their clients.

  • Will refer clients to other appropriate resources and professionals should the client have needs beyond the scope of the doula role.

  • Will be honest and show integrity and respect at all times towards their clients, doula colleagues, and the other professionals alongside whom they may be working.

  • Will strive to develop and maintain positive work relationships within the doula and birthing communities. As a representative of the DAI, all communications with the birthing community should be ethical and respectful.

  • Will not discuss personal and/or DAI communications outside the DAI without prior consent from relevant parties.

  • Will not discuss personal and/or confidential information, which has been disclosed by their clients during their professional engagement, without the express permission of such clients.

  • Are advised to have a written contract with their clients.

  • Will keep records of their doula activities and submit their anonymous Data Collection Forms to the Association.

  • Will continue to develop their skills and education by attending relevant courses, workshops, and lectures as they become available

  • Will strive to stay up to date on evidence-based information and best practices.

  • Agree to have an active insurance policy whenever working with clients.

  • Are currently Garda vetted to work as a doula or commit to completing the process through the DAI upon joining the Association.

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